There are various types of diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes was earlier more commonly referred to as insulin-dependent (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes. In the 5-10% patients who suffer from this type of diabetes there is a deficit of insulin produced from the gland called pancreas, in the body. Such patients require insulin injected into the blood stream; this type of diabetes can cause unexpected grave complications.
Type 2 diabetes formerly referred to as non-insulin-dependent, NIDDM, or Late onset type develops when a person's body is unable to make use of the insulin produced inside the body. Almost 90% of all diabetics suffer from Type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes was formerly seen mostly among adult population. But, off late, this is seen increasingly among obese children.
Gestational diabetes is quite similar to NIDDM is which is seen only during pregnancy and is diagnosed during antenatal check-ups.
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its best way to contol DM with homoeopathic drugs
i hve seen with ayurvedic medicines sugar has been reduced and my friend has startd eating mangoes.
[email protected]
diabetes is decrease insulin or inpaired insulin secreation because of that sugar level get increased.In homoeopathy we write down the case history, depending on maismatic background we are able to cure it permanently.The stress induced DM is cured fastly in homoeopathy. DR.Nirmal.Khobragade[nagpur]
I believe this site has been tampered with as the links take you to unexpected sites.
Linda Wood
Diabetes is non curable disease but with the help of homoeopathy we can control it very nicely and without any complication.