Hemorrhoids or Piles- Homeopathy Cure

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The major factor that contributes to hemorrhoids is excessive straining at stool. However, certain causative factors and/or risk factors have been described as below:

Heredity- Our genetic make up is one of the major factors for development and aggravation of hemorrhoids. There has been found familial weakness of blood vessel wall. Large supply of arterial blood to hemorrhoidal plexus is also found in certain families.

Pregnancy- Post-partum and/or pregnancy hemorrhoids are found in many women owing to increased tension in rectal wall due to excessive straining during child birth and expansion of uterus during pregnancy.

Untreated conditions- Certain conditions like colitis, diarrheas, dysenteries, etc can be the pre-disposing factors for hemorrhoids if left untreated for long.

Chronic constipation- Chronic constipation has myriad of causes ranging from unhealthy eating habits to sedentary work-style. But it is by far the commonest cause of hemorrhoids.

Sedentary habits- People working in sitting postures for long time have higher risk of developing hemorrhoids. Lack of physical activity or exercise is one of the chief pre-disposing factors.

Some serious illnesses- Systemic or portal hypertension, inferior vena-caval congestion, rectal cancer, cardiac or pulmonary diseases can also may lead to hemorrhoids.

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25514, India

Haemorrhoid or piles is nothing but enlarged haemorrhoidal vein,it arises because of irregular bowel habit,constipation,sedentary living style,spicy food,diet low in fibre and in non-veg. individual.


chinmay_, India

constipation is the basic cause for haemorrhoid,due to less intake of fibre diet,sedentary habits,hurry,worry and curry.It is painful condition,with or without bleeding,by changing lifestyle, food habit and proper homoeopathic medicines for regularising bowel.Homoeopathy is having good number of medicines for curing the piles and fissure by proper case analysis.

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