Aishwarya Nair's Profile

Aishwarya is currently studying Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) at Pune University. In academics her position stands within first five ranks in Pune university exams. She has also done internship at a Mumbai based hospital during her vacations. She was posted as a critical care clinical pharmacist. She view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Grapes, Dark Chocolate and Green Tea Inhibit Coronavirus Enzyme
Chemical compounds present in chocolate, grapes and green tea inhibit coronavirus enzyme called main protease enzyme (Mpro). Researchers found that cocoa powder and dark chocolate can reduce Mpro activity to half of the original.

Eye Wall Inflammation and Myasthenia Gravis Seen in Chemotherapy Patients
Immune-check point inhibitors used in chemotherapy have an increased risk of noninfectious uveitis (inflammation of the eye wall) and myasthenia gravis (MG).

Does Vitamin D 3Supplements Reduce the Risk of Advanced Cancer ?
Link between cancer risk and vitamin D found. Individuals with normal BMI and weight consuming vitamin D 3 supplements have a reduced risk of diagnosis with advanced cancer.

Smoking at Night: Good or Bad for a Healthy Sleep?
Smoking at night can reduce the sleep time by at least 48 mins. Smoking between 11.00 pm to 2.00 am showed 2.4 times increase in the risk of experiencing insomnia.

FDA Expands the Approval Indication for Influenza Treatment to Post- Exposure Prevention
FDA expands the approval indication for baloxavir marboxil, a drug used to treat influenza for post- exposure prevention