Aishwarya Nair's Profile

Aishwarya is currently studying Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) at Pune University. In academics her position stands within first five ranks in Pune university exams. She has also done internship at a Mumbai based hospital during her vacations. She was posted as a critical care clinical pharmacist. She view more..
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Standing 6 Feet Apart? Still Coronavirus can be Transmitted Through Cough
Cough can send coronavirus farther than 6 feet. Cough droplets travel a distance greater than 6 feet and hence can spread COVID-19.

COVID 19 & Hypercoagulability: Increased Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, DVT
COVID 19 patients with a history of heart attack, stroke and deep vein thrombosis should receive anticoagulation therapy.

Artificial Intelligence: Magic Boon for Detecting Osteoarthritis Years Before Symptoms Appear
Artificial intelligence helps in diagnosis of Osteoarthritis 3 years before the appearance of symptoms or joint damage.