Amrita Surendranath's Profile

B.Sc, M.Sc.

Amrita Surendranath

Amrita has a masters in Human Genetics from Sri Ramachandra medical College and is hooked onto everything even remotely associated with genes. She loves every aspect of writing, the research, planning and actually weaving all the thoughts together. If she's not writing, she's busy being an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Malaria Vaccine Found to Offer 100 Percent Protection

Malaria Vaccine Found to Offer 100 Percent Protection

Malaria vaccine (Sanaria® PfSPZ-CVac) is found to be effective, providing 100% protection in clinical trials.

Health In Focus
Nanobodies Found Effective in Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Nanobodies Found Effective in Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Nanobodies are used for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus and are effective in preventing the virus from entering the lung cells.

Health In Focus
Gene Signature Identified for Diabetes Prediction

Gene Signature Identified for Diabetes Prediction

A gene signature has been identified for diabetes, where 80 small variations in the genes are found to influence the risk for diabetes.

Health In Focus
New Effect Against Cancer Identified in Cancer Drug

New Effect Against Cancer Identified in Cancer Drug

Abraxane (protein-bound paclitaxel) alters macrophages into mounting a strong immune response against cancer, a new found effect which can be used for better drug therapy against cancer.

Health In Focus
Gut Microbiome in Synchrony With Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Gut Microbiome in Synchrony With Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The gut microbiome of people with inflammatory bowel disease differs from that of healthy patients and is associated with symptoms of the disease.

Health In Focus