Anita Ramesh's Profile

Anita has completed Masters in Applied Psychology with Specialization in Clinical Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Her under graduation was from Women's Christian College, Chennai. Anita believes that counseling plays a crucial role in fighting against mental health view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Covid Pandemic: How Parents can Help Kids Deal with Back-to-School Anxiety
Understanding the role of the covid pandemic on back-to-school anxiety and children''s mental health can help prepare parents deal with their child''s anxiety.

Link between Maternal Stress and Preterm Delivery
Understanding the link between stress and preterm delivery and the techniques to manage maternal stress during pregnancy.

Effect of Violent Cartoons on Children's Behavior and Mental State
Understanding the impact of violent cartoons on children''s behavior and mental state to provide appropriate parental guidance and prevent antisocial behavior.

COVID in Children
Covid-19 virus has affected many children during the second wave. Many factors play a role in COVID in children and the management of COVID in children. Therefore, it is highly essential for parents to know and understand the symptoms in children.