Chrisy Ngilneii's Profile

B.Sc (Psychology), M.A (Sociology), Ph.D. (Epidemiology)

Chrisy Ngilneii

Chrisy is a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the University of Madras. Her area of specialization is in Epidemiology of Cancer. Writing is her passion. She has published scholarly articles on health topics in prominent journals, and had also edited two books in the academic field which are now available on view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Alternative Drugs to Halt Antibiotic Use and Resistance

Alternative Drugs to Halt Antibiotic Use and Resistance

Alternative therapeutics can substitute for antibiotics to decrease antibiotic consumption and resistance. Alternative drugs may be used for mild-infections

Health Watch
Carfilzomib May Lead to Cardiovascular Toxicity

Carfilzomib May Lead to Cardiovascular Toxicity

Carfilzomib can lead to cardiovascular toxicity in multiple myeloma patients. Proteasome inhibitor leads to higher rates of cardiovascular adverse events.

Health Watch
Sleep Dynamics may be Measured by Wrist-worn Gadget

Sleep Dynamics may be Measured by Wrist-worn Gadget

Human sleep dynamics in real life could be recorded by making use of longitudinal wrist movement recordings. This device measures inactivity and limb movements.

Health Watch
Physical Exercise to Improve Memory and Cognition

Physical Exercise to Improve Memory and Cognition

A twice-weekly exercise is to be recommended for people with mild cognitive impairment to improve memory and thinking, according to new guideline.

Health Watch
Online Test for Sexually Transmitted Infections Hikes Uptake

Online Test for Sexually Transmitted Infections Hikes Uptake

Online test for sexually transmitted infections, or e-STI testing service increased uptake of STI testing for all groups including high-risk groups.

Health Watch