Chrisy Ngilneii's Profile

B.Sc (Psychology), M.A (Sociology), Ph.D. (Epidemiology)

Chrisy Ngilneii

Chrisy is a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the University of Madras. Her area of specialization is in Epidemiology of Cancer. Writing is her passion. She has published scholarly articles on health topics in prominent journals, and had also edited two books in the academic field which are now available on view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Air Pollution may Increase Mortality in Older Adults

Air Pollution may Increase Mortality in Older Adults

Short-term exposures to air pollution and warm-season ozone, even below current national air quality standards, are associated with increased risk of mortality.

Health Watch
Blink Reflex to Measure Mental Health

Blink Reflex to Measure Mental Health

The Blink Reflexometer, a high-speed videography-based device that triggers, records, and analyzes a blink reflex can measure neurological health.

Health Watch
Perinatal Exposure to Folic Acid may Increase Allergy Risk

Perinatal Exposure to Folic Acid may Increase Allergy Risk

Taking folic acid in late pregnancy may increase the risk of allergies in children affected by growth restriction during pregnancy.

Health Watch
Whole Eggs Better Than Egg Whites for Body Building

Whole Eggs Better Than Egg Whites for Body Building

Whole eggs are better for muscle building and muscle repair than egg whites, researcher finds. It is most beneficial to take protein in its natural form.

Health Watch
Nano-Technology Aids Pancreatic Islet Transplantation

Nano-Technology Aids Pancreatic Islet Transplantation

Tiny bilirubin-filled capsules could improve survival of transplanted pancreatic cells by improving uptake by murine pancreatic islet cells.

Health Watch