Dr. Krishanga's Profile


Dr. Krishanga

Dr. Krishanga has completed her bachelor's degree in dental surgery and is currently practising with a renowned corporate chain of dental clinics. She believes in creating awareness and improving access to healthcare by empowering communities, medical professionals, and patients with the right view more..

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Quiz on Diabetes and Oral Health

Quiz on Diabetes and Oral Health

Use this quiz to test your knowledge about Diabetes and its effects on Oral Health. It will test you on the various oral implications of Diabetes.

Sexual Activities can Trigger Asthma in You

Sexual Activities can Trigger Asthma in You

Asthma can be triggered by Sexual activities.

Health Watch
HIV can Mess Your Biological Clock

HIV can Mess Your Biological Clock

HIV infection can disturb the Circadian rhythm leaving a Negative impact on the Body

Health Watch
Artificial Blood can Save Your Life

Artificial Blood can Save Your Life

Lab produced blood has the potential to be more efficient than normal functioning donor blood.

Health Watch
Tomatoes can Instill a Good Gut Feeling in You

Tomatoes can Instill a Good Gut Feeling in You

Tomatoes have a tendency to improve the gut microbe in animals but can they do the same in humans?

Lifestyle and Wellness