Dr. Krishanga's Profile


Dr. Krishanga

Dr. Krishanga has completed her bachelor's degree in dental surgery and is currently practising with a renowned corporate chain of dental clinics. She believes in creating awareness and improving access to healthcare by empowering communities, medical professionals, and patients with the right view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Sleep Apnea: A New Cause Linked to Dementia

Sleep Apnea: A New Cause Linked to Dementia

Sleep apnea has the potential to cause Dementia including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Lifestyle and Wellness
Your Genetic Make-up can Keep You Slim

Your Genetic Make-up can Keep You Slim

A new gene variant demonstrates on how genetics can have an impact on body weight

Health Watch
Probiotics: A Promising Candidate in Cancer Prevention

Probiotics: A Promising Candidate in Cancer Prevention

Probiotics have the potential to prevent cancer and promote healthier life.

Health Watch
Ultra Processed Food a Probable Cause for Early Death

Ultra Processed Food a Probable Cause for Early Death

Ultra processed food can cause premature deaths due to their low nutritional value and high additive contents.

Health Watch
Microplastics - A Viral Ticking Bomb

Microplastics - A Viral Ticking Bomb

Recent researches have signified that microplastics have started acting like a harbor for viruses that can lead to outbreaks of various diseases.

Health Watch