Dr. Meenakshy Varier's Profile
BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management
A doctor who is qualified in complementary medicine and keeps herself abreast with what is latest in the medical field through constant research. Meenakshy has worked as a content writer in the past and continues to contribute as a Freelancer. Her other interests include reading, writing, cooking view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Survey Determines How Indians are Coping With the COVID-19 Pandemic
With the surging COVID-19 cases in India, Indians are not only being affected financially, but also psychologically. Many are afraid of transmitting the infection to others, while others fear getting admitted to hospitals.
Plasma Therapy Safe in Children With COVID-19
Convalescent plasma may provide significant benefits for children when administered during the early stages of COVID-19 infection. It can be used as a mechanism of treating children, for whom no effective therapies have been developed to treat the infection.
Brain Changes Identified in Anorexia Nervosa and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A distorted body and appearance perception characterize psychiatric disorders like anorexia nervosa and body dysmorphic disorders. The similarity in the key patterns of brain functions has been observed in both these disorders.
Education, Contraceptive can Curb Population Explosion in High-Fertility Countries
Women's education and contraceptive prevalence have significant effects in reducing fertility rates, with contraceptive prevalence having a substantially larger effect.
Working Together to Prevent Suicide -World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day helps to raise awareness on how to prevent suicide. This year (2020), the theme is 'Working Together to Prevent Suicide.’ During coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, suicide cases have drastically increased & it is essential to stop and prevent suicides.