Dr. Meenakshy Varier's Profile
BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management

A doctor who is qualified in complementary medicine and keeps herself abreast with what is latest in the medical field through constant research. Meenakshy has worked as a content writer in the past and continues to contribute as a Freelancer. Her other interests include reading, writing, cooking view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Genetic Risk for Heart Attack in the Young, and Healthy Identified
The genetic risk behind spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) has been identified. SCAD is the spontaneous tear in coronary artery which leads to heart attacks in young and otherwise healthy women.

New Nanobody to Combat COVID-19 Identified
The new nanobody Ty1, effectively binds with the SARS-Cov-2 viral receptor with high affinity. It prevents it from binding to the ACE2 receptors on the human cell surface, which the virus uses to gain entry and cause infection.

Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in Children Causes Severe Heart Damage
Children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome have severe inflammation that causes severe injury to the heart tissue. The children should be monitored closely to understand what implications they may have in the long term.

‘Test on Demand’ Recommended for COVID-19 by ICMR
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued an advisory on the strategy for COVID-19 testing. It has recommended 'testing on-demand' and made it compulsory only in individuals traveling Indian states or countries that mandate a negative test report at the point of entry.

COVID-19: Sudden Deaths Attributed to Cardiac Arrest, Low Oxygen Levels
Patients with the risk of developing severe COVID-19 infection should be strictly monitored for oxygen saturation levels as silent hypoxia, followed by a cardiac event, result in death due to the infection.