Dr. Rachita Narsaria's Profile

Dr. Rachita is a consulting homoeopath with a passion for prose. She has contributed to numerous international websites and is a voracious reader, entrepreneur and music lover.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Gas Bloat Syndrome
If you are troubled by abdominal bloating due to excess gas, gas bloat syndrome is what you might have. Seemingly harmless, it can be persistent.

Top 10 Foods to Get Your Daily Dose of Calcium
Calcium is key for strong bones and teeth. The daily requirement of calcium can be fulfilled from dairy products and other food sources like fish and herbs.

Harmful Effects of Nail Polish
The innocuous looking nail polish can produce serious health hazards ranging from allergies to skin cancer. The ‘toxic trio’ must be looked out for.

Heart Cancer
Malignant heart cancer is extremely rare. Benign tumors of the heart too are rare, with early detection and removal being the key to survival.

13 Daily Habits that Damage the Brain
The brain is probably the most important organ in our body and it deserves special care and attention to keep it active and functioning well. Here are thirteen daily habits, you must know that can cause damage to your brain.