Himabindu Venkatakrishnan's Profile


Himabindu Venkatakrishnan

Her expertise is in the area of speech and hearing and she also holds a certificate in Medical Transcription. She is an activist against 'heavy school bags' that can cause damage to the "backs" of young kids in India.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric Fistula

Obstetric fistula, whether a vesicovaginal or rectovaginal fistula, occurs as a result of inadequate care in pregnancy and childbirth. Fistula can be repaired with a simple vaginal surgery.

Disease & Condition
Guidelines on Stuttering

Guidelines on Stuttering

Guidelines on stuttering on the things to do and things to avoid for people who stutter and for those who speak to the people who stutter.

Disease & Condition
Poor Blood Circulation

Poor Blood Circulation

Poor blood circulation is the impaired flow of blood to certain parts of the body. It is mostly noticed at body extremities like the toes and fingers.

Disease & Condition
How to Reduce School Bag Weight - Simple Tips

How to Reduce School Bag Weight - Simple Tips

Solutions to reduce the weight of heavy school bags is by carrying the right books and notes in the bag to prevent strain to the back, shoulders and hands.

Lifestyle Articles
Hookworm Infection

Hookworm Infection

Hookworm infection, a parasitic intestinal infection is more prevalent in places with poor sanitation and hygiene as the hookworms spread through contaminated soil.

Disease & Condition