Himabindu Venkatakrishnan's Profile


Himabindu Venkatakrishnan

Her expertise is in the area of speech and hearing and she also holds a certificate in Medical Transcription. She is an activist against 'heavy school bags' that can cause damage to the "backs" of young kids in India.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Psychological Defence Mechanisms

Psychological Defence Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms help with the coping strategy of the human mind to reduce stress and anxiety caused by a situation or thought. There is a manipulation of thought process to minimize anxiety.

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How to Stay Active as You Get Older

How to Stay Active as You Get Older

Being physically active with a healthy dose of exercise for senior citizens is one of the ways to be fit, independent and be mentally active.

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Truths about being Left-Handed

Truths about being Left-Handed

In the past, left-handers were considered to be sinister, and hence, shunned by the society. But here are some facts about left-handed people that will surprise you.

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Top 15 Natural Painkillers

Top 15 Natural Painkillers

Natural painkillers, such as herbs and spices can relieve pain too. They can be as potent and effective as prescription drugs without unwanted side effects.

Disease & Condition
Can Heavy School Bag Cause Back Pain in Children?

Can Heavy School Bag Cause Back Pain in Children?

Causes of backache in adults can vary but majority of backaches in growing children is traced to heavy school bags. Backache in children is a common problem now with school bags becoming heavier.

Lifestyle Articles