Jayashree's Profile
Jayashree has been a trainer for Spoken English & Communication for 12 years and has published a book titled 'Spoken English'. She has written health articles for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Mathematical Theory of The Friendship Paradox
Friendship paradox framing can be varying by applying mathematics on data describing how people compare to their all friends not like Standard analyses concerned with average friends.
Pediatric Coeliac Disease Cases Doubled in 25 Years
Mass screening of school age children for coeliac disease led to diagnosing significantly higher numbers of cases is an effective tool for early diagnosis.
Preventing the Mother to Child Transmission of Hepatitis B
Procedures preventing the direct transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) from mother to child, particularly during and after pregnancy must adhere to international guidelines for complete protection.
Puppies are Born to Bond With Human
Puppies are born with human like social skills allows them to communicate with humans from very early age instead of learning later in life.
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination on Dental Care
COVID-19 Seroprevalence and vaccine responses study among dental care professionals show natural infection is high and emphasize the use of vaccines.