Jayashree's Profile
Jayashree has been a trainer for Spoken English & Communication for 12 years and has published a book titled 'Spoken English'. She has written health articles for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
How to Detect Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis detection by a simple physical function test combining BMI and two maximum stride steps during routine health check-up helps in appropriate treatment.
Stem Cell Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes
Optimize the production of insulin-producing cells from stem cells to reduce the management burden in type 1 diabetes.
Yoga Asanas Help Post COVID-19 Healing
Choosing right yoga asanas and practicing them with awareness during post COVID-19 recovery period helps to build immunity with relaxed body and mind for faster healing.
Personalized Intervention Improves Food Choice in Employees
Automated emails and letters providing personalized feedback related to cafeteria purchases at workplace helps employees to make healthier food choices.
Convalescent Plasma to Treat Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
Decline in convalescent plasma use at US hospitals linked to higher COVID-19 mortality rate gives new hope about deciding the use of plasma therapy in COVID-19.