Julia Samuel's Profile


Julia Samuel

Julia has worked as a part-time lecturer in Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about educating people, esp students about healthy eating, fitness and well-being.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 7 Dietary Habits That Affect Your Skin

Top 7 Dietary Habits That Affect Your Skin

Here are top 7 poor dietary habits that are harming your skin and must be stopped today! Learn about these foods from everyday that are not skin friendly.

Diet Articles
Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity

Carbohydrates and Its Role in Obesity

Over 1 billion people world-wide are obese thus affecting their health due to their nutrition and lifestyle. 3.9% of India’s population is obese! Know more about obesity and its prevention.

Lifestyle Articles
Health Benefits of Pomelo

Health Benefits of Pomelo

Rare but high in nutrients, this citrus fruit is a must-have in diet to keep you fit and healthy.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Cempedak

Health Benefits of Cempedak

The ‘ugly cousin’ of jackfruit is a perfect health keeper, that lowers blood pressure and keeps eyes healthy along with many other benefits.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Find interesting nutrition facts of cinnamon including its health benefits, latest tips on diet, recipes and more.

Diet Articles