Kesavan K.E.T.'s Profile


Kesavan K.E.T.

Kesavan hails from Chennai and has received Bachelor of Engineering (CSE) from Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. Collage, Chennai. He has worked as an editor servicing leading publishers for over 14 years, and currently he is onto content writing and coordination also. He loves editing articles, view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 10 Reasons of Dullness in the Marital Sex

Top 10 Reasons of Dullness in the Marital Sex

Can getting married dull your sexual life? Yes, actually it can. After a while, long-term relationships can start to feel monotonous.

Sexual Health News
Indian Women Succumb to Breast Cancer Every 8 Minutes

Indian Women Succumb to Breast Cancer Every 8 Minutes

Every eight minutes a woman succumbs to breast cancer out of all cancers in India, revealing that breast cancer in women has become the most common one.

Cancer News
Shocking News: Polio Cases Return After a Decade in the US

Shocking News: Polio Cases Return After a Decade in the US

Several hundred cases of undiagnosed polio were circulating in the US, according to a senior official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

General News
Good News for the Knee Implant Patients

Good News for the Knee Implant Patients

If you are suffering from knee pain, there is a lab-made cartilage 'hydrogel' that outperforms the real thing and human clinical trials may begin next year.

Clinical Trials News
Ankle and Ankle Movements While Riding an Hoverboard

Ankle and Ankle Movements While Riding an Hoverboard

Your ankle movements could be a little dangerous in riding a hoverboard, even while learning how to ride it? Thus, the central nervous system must be protected.

Lifestyle and Wellness News