Kesavan K.E.T.'s Profile

Kesavan hails from Chennai and has received Bachelor of Engineering (CSE) from Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. Collage, Chennai. He has worked as an editor servicing leading publishers for over 14 years, and currently he is onto content writing and coordination also. He loves editing articles, view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Baldness can be Cured and Prevented: Let Us See How!
Researchers identify a method that would help to end baldness and speed up hair re-growth and new growth using hair follicles.

Believe It or Not: DNA of Over a Thousand Insect Species in Tea Leaves!
Scientists find DNA from 1,200 different insect species in tea leaves found in tea bags before they are harvested and shipped to a grocery store.

Do Bright-Colored Fruits and Vegetables Boost Women’s Health?
Women tend to have longer lifespans than men, but they are also more susceptible to health concerns. Pigmented carotenoid is in colored fruits and vegetables.

Should We Be Taking Supplements and Vitamins?
Answer to that question is — unless you’re pregnant, supplements probably don’t do anything the way as they promised, as reviewed by USPSTF.

First Case of Polio Detected Again in the USA After a Decade
After 10 years, a young patient with poliovirus has been detected in the USA, who had not been vaccinated and received the oral polio vaccine (OPV).