Sherley Pothen's Profile
An ardent writer, Sherley has written articles on health and lifestyle for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Gardening and Horticultural Therapy for the Young and the Old
Art of gardening can improve socializing and cognitive skills in children and elderly. As a therapy it benefits all, be it able or disabled, young or old.

Can You Cope with Your Children’s Tantrums?
It is natural for children to throw tantrums, but how parents react to such situations makes all the difference in the life of a family.

Parental Tips to Raise Your Child Right
Parents need to invest quality time in raising children and instill good values in their growing years.

Nutritional Guard - Bottle Gourd
Oozing with health and cosmetic benefits, the bottle gourd is a blessing in disguise many are unaware of.

Body Wraps for Slimmer, Sexier You
Body wraps is an all natural remedy to slenderizing & contouring your body that not just hydrate your skin but take you to a trance of pure relaxation and calm.