Sherley Pothen's Profile
An ardent writer, Sherley has written articles on health and lifestyle for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Munch On Crunchy Corn!
The infamously hard to digest corn actually holds unbelievable health benefits and is important part of the diet chain.

Chickpea for the Soul!
A healthy staple food, Hummus is one bean dip that will contribute to your evening snacks and main course with complete satisfaction. Includes recipe for the dip.

Baby Food - Basics
The healthiest baby foods can be made at home. Products from big brands that claim to develop infants’ health in a variety of ways are no match for nutritious home-made preparations.

The Better Flour - Refined Or Whole Wheat Flour!
Whole wheat flour is rapidly gaining exposure for its rich nutritional value and being considered healthy, as opposed to all-purpose flour, maida.

Fairness Cream for Men - Does it Work?
Metrosexual Men have begun to believe that fairness is the key to social acceptance. Chemicals in Fairness creams can harm the skin.