Swethapriya Sampath's Profile

MSc Integrated Biotechnology

Swethapriya Sampath

A committed biotechnology student, focuses on biotechnology and healthcare research. With a strong academic background, she is currently pursuing her master's degree in biotechnology from VIT University. Among her significant projects are the PCR amplification of the SufE gene and work on fruit view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

GPS Wearable Device for Dementia Caregivers Reduces Stress and Improves Communication

GPS Wearable Device for Dementia Caregivers Reduces Stress and Improves Communication

Discover how a GPS wearable device alleviates stress for dementia caregivers, enhancing communication and safety for patients.

Medical Gadgets
New 3D Model Mimics Blood-Brain Barrier Pathways

New 3D Model Mimics Blood-Brain Barrier Pathways

Discover how a revolutionary 3D Blood-Brain Barrier model advances the understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and drug development.

Research News
Regenerative Therapies for Knee Pain: Alternative to Knee Replacement

Regenerative Therapies for Knee Pain: Alternative to Knee Replacement

Discover effective knee pain solutions. Explore when knee replacement is necessary and how regenerative therapies offer alternatives for early to moderate knee issues.

Health Watch
New cfDNA Blood Test for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease

New cfDNA Blood Test for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease

Discover a revolutionary blood test developed by BYU and KU ADRC that detects early signs of Alzheimer’s.

Research News
Stress and Heart Disease: New Stress Score Test Predicts Heart Disease Risk Early

Stress and Heart Disease: New Stress Score Test Predicts Heart Disease Risk Early

Discover how a new cardiovascular risk score test identifies high-risk patients by analyzing stress-induced changes to improve diagnosis and treatment.

Heart Disease News