Swethapriya Sampath's Profile

MSc Integrated Biotechnology

Swethapriya Sampath

A committed biotechnology student, focuses on biotechnology and healthcare research. With a strong academic background, she is currently pursuing her master's degree in biotechnology from VIT University. Among her significant projects are the PCR amplification of the SufE gene and work on fruit view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

New Approach to Abortion Care: Administration of Misoprostol at Home

New Approach to Abortion Care: Administration of Misoprostol at Home

Administering misoprostol at home after 12 weeks of pregnancy is safe and reduces hospital time, and most women prefer home treatment.

Women Health News
Dietary Nucleic Acids and Their Role in Cancer Prevention

Dietary Nucleic Acids and Their Role in Cancer Prevention

Dietary compounds may help inhibit cancer cell growth, highlighting the potential of nucleic acids in cancer prevention.

Genetics & Stem Cells News
Diadem: A New Ultrasound-Based Device for Noninvasive Chronic Pain Treatment

Diadem: A New Ultrasound-Based Device for Noninvasive Chronic Pain Treatment

New ultrasound device offers new hope for managing chronic pain by targeting specific brain regions.

Medical Gadgets
Mental Health Support: Transgender Students Prefer School Resources

Mental Health Support: Transgender Students Prefer School Resources

Transgender students are more likely to seek support from school staff rather than from parents, siblings, or friends.

Mental Health News
Nutritional Strategies to Combat Breast Cancer Risk

Nutritional Strategies to Combat Breast Cancer Risk

Many women lack knowledge about how diet affects breast cancer risk. Experts urge the need for better education on dietary prevention strategies.

Women Health News