Survey on Euthanasia

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Survey on Euthanasia

Survey taken by medindia on behalf of Samina Mamajiwala.

Please answer these few questions on Euthanasia. The survey is anonymous and totally confidential. The survey will help us understand the value of this novel medium in building new relationships.

1. Are Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide the same?

2. Euthanasia is never ethically justified

3. The principal moral consideration about euthanasia is the question of whether the person freely chooses to die or not.

4. There are some situations in which euthanasia should be legal

5. There are some situations in which I would be willing to participate in euthanasia

6. Assisted Suicide is never ethically justified

7. There are some situations in which Assisted Suicide should be legal

8. Animals are put to sleep when they are suffering. We should do the same for humans - do you agree?

9. Is Physician Assisted Suicide morally justified?

10. There should be

11. In the course of your medical practice, has a patient ever asked you to hasten his/her death?

12. If a terminally ill patient asked me to bring an end to his or her life, I would consider doing so if it were legal.

13. Do you think that euthanasia should be legalized in India?

14. If someone is surviving because of a life support machine, who do you think should decide when/whether the machine is turned off?

15. Do you think that people should be allowed to make a living will?

16. Do you think the government will pass a bill saying that Euthanasia with the patient's consent should be legalized?

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