
Health Facts on MERS

What is MERS?

MERS or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system causing severe breathing distress, although the infection can be asymptomatic at times.

MERS Health Facts and Statistics

Evolution and Transmission of MERS

  1. Originated from Bats MERS is a zoonotic virus, which means it can be passed on from animals to humans and it is thought to have originated from bats (1 Trusted Source
    Evidence for zoonotic origins of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus

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  2. Transmission from Camels : Although the virus may have originally evolved in bats, it was transmitted to camels in the distant past. Strains of MERS-CoV similar to human strains have been found in camels in many countries (2 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

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Spread of the virus & Threats

  1. Spread of the Virus: The disease first surfaced in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia in 2012. Since it is a newly emerging disease, most people are less aware of it. The condition has spread to several countries across the world, including the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa.
  2. Threat to India: While there is a high risk of an outbreak in India because of the high traffic between the Middle East and India, healthcare experts reiterate that there is no need to panic (2 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

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First Case, Complications and Fatality Rate of MERS

  1. First�Recorded�Case of MERS :�The first confirmed case of MERS infection was recorded in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Scientists investigating the origins of the virus later found that there were traces of the MERS-CoV in 74% of the single-humped camels in the country (3 Trusted Source
    First Confirmed Case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection in the Kingdom of Bahrain: In a Saudi Gentleman after Cardiac Bypass Surgery

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  2. Complication: Serious illness can result in respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation and treatment in intensive care unit (ICU). It tends to affect patients who are immunosuppressed or have chronic conditions like AIDS, diabetes, chronic lung disease and cancer, as well as old aged people.
  3. High Fatality Rate :�MERS can cause complications like kidney failure that proves to be fatal in many cases, as there is a mortality rate of roughly 36% (4 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome

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Risks of MERS

  1. The�Risk of Contagion :� It occurs when there is a direct close contact, such as when providing care to an infected patient, without the use of adequate protection.

    A higher risk of infection is posed from interacting with camels and through poor hygiene practices when on farms, barns and settlements with camels (5 Trusted Source
    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

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  2. Increased�Risk of�Contagion from�Longer�Incubation�Period :�Initially the disease was thought to have a short incubation period, but doctors found that this duration could be longer, as much as 14 days, during which time the asymptomatic patient could pose a risk of transmitting the infection to others (6 Trusted Source
    About Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

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  3. Middle East Travel,�Mainly to Saudi Arabia�Puts you at�Greater�Risk :�Healthcare experts and WHO have cautioned visitors about travel to the infected regions in the middle-east, with an especially high risk for older men and those who are sick (2 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

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Precautions of MERS

  1. Precautions to�Follow in the Middle East :�Everyone should avoid the consumption of camel milk or any raw or under cooked camel products, eat pasteurized camel meat and milk, wear masks and gloves, avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with uncleaned hands, sanitize your hand in every contact (7 Trusted Source
    Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

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Treatment and Outbreak of MERS

  1. Till date there is no known cure for MERS. You can use a room humidifier or a hot shower to lessen your symptoms like cough or sore throat. Always be hydrated and take rest. For serious cases, treatment is to care for vital organ functions (2 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)

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  2. Outbreak of MERS :Through international travel, MERS infection has also spread to other 9 countries in the world, including Austria, China, France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the United States of America, among others.
  3. The WHO has reported 2,604 cases globally, with 936 fatalities. The majority of these cases were reported from Saudi Arabia, with more than 855 of the deaths from the country alone (4 Trusted Source
    Middle East respiratory syndrome

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Last Updated on Jun 02, 2023
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