
Kidney Cancer - Top 15 Must Know Facts

Stats on Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer affects 81,800 people every year in the U.S, with more number of men (52,360) affected than women (29,440). Early diagnosis and treatment aids in improving survival rate which is 80% (1 Trusted Source
Key Statistics About Kidney Cancer

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, 2 Trusted Source
Survival Rates for Kidney Cancer

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Age and Gender - Kidney Cancer

In a study conducted in a tertiary hospital in North India, researchers Shalini Agnihotri and colleagues found that for the Indian population,
  • The age of onset of kidney cancer was below 50 years which is lower than the global age of onset (6th or 7th decade of life).
  • The survival rates were lower for patients younger than 39 years.
  • Men were 4 times more likely to get this disease than women in this population while in the West the ratio of male: women is 2:1.
  • The lower age of onset and the poor survival rates among men who acquire this disease could be due to the poor nutritional status.

What are the Causes of Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma may be caused due to environmental factors or due to genetic factors. It has been found that the short arm of chromosome 3 is involved in kidney cancer (3 Trusted Source
Chromosomal aberrations in renal cell carcinoma: An overview with implications for clinical practice

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There are many environmental factors which are also associated with kidney cancer and exposure to cigarette smoke is an important risk factor. The exposure levels determine the extent of risk for kidney cancer. Hypertension, diet and obesity are other factors that contribute to the development of kidney cancer (4 Trusted Source
Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer

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Recent studies have found that barbecuing or pan frying meat can lead to the formation of carcinogenic compounds, also including a large amount of such meat increase the risk of kidney cancer by more than 50% (5 Trusted Source
Study: How you cook meat can affect your kidney cancer risk

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Top 15 Must Know Facts about Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is also known as renal cancer which is an abnormal growth of cells in kidney tissue. Below are some must know facts about kidney cancer (6 Trusted Source
Kidney Cancer

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What are the Types of Kidney Cancer?

  • Renal Cell Carcinoma: This forms the majority of kidney cancers and it develops in the renal tubes. 30% of renal cell carcinoma patients progress into the metastatic stage of cancer.
  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma: The incidence of transitional kidney cancer is very low and this cancer occurs in the renal pelvis or the ureter. This type of cancer is formed when there is an overdose of certain drugs.
  • Wilm's Tumor: Wilm's tumor occurs mostly among children, normally between the ages 3 and 4.
  • Renal Sarcoma: It is a very rare form of cancer and is found in the connective tissue (7 Trusted Source
    Kidney Cancer Types of Kidney Cancer

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Hereditary Reason for Kidney Cancer?

  • Patients with brothers, sisters or parents with kidney cancer are more likely to acquire this disease (8 Trusted Source
    Surgery for Kidney Cancer

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Diagnosis of Kidney Cancer

  • Most solid kidney tumors are malignant and biopsies are not always recommended as they may be from the benign region of the tumor, resulting in a false negative diagnosis. It is recommended that the tumor is removed on detection (9 Trusted Source
    Diagnosing Kidney Cancer

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Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

  • Symptoms of kidney cancer are blood in the urine, a palpable mass found in the abdomen, fatigue, weight loss, fever and swelling of feet and ankles.

Prevention of Kidney Cancer

  • Kidney cancer may be prevented by avoiding smoking, alcohol consumption, eating a healthy diet, physical activity and avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals like asbestos and certain medications (10 Trusted Source
    Kidney Cancer Signs and Symptoms

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Surgical Methods of Kidney Cancer

  • Radical Nephrectomy: The entire affected kidney is removed in this surgical method. It can be done by open or minimally invasive approach like laparoscopy or using robotics.
  • Partial Nephrectomy: This is a newer surgical approach where only the affected parts of the kidney are removed. This leaves the rest of the kidney to function. It can be done by open or minimally invasive approach like laparoscopy or using robotics.
  • Cytoreductive Nephrectomy: This method is used for metastatic kidney cancer patients. And not all the cancer spread regions are removed.
  • Surgical procedures that are designed to save the kidney among kidney cancer patients like partial nephrectomy, provide an additional benefit. Saving the kidney also lowers long-term risk for osteoporosis (11 Trusted Source
    Can Kidney Cancer Be Prevented?

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Medical Management for Kidney Cancer

When kidney cancer is in advanced state medical management can be used.

Scientists and researchers are developing new drugs that help the body's immune system mount a better response to the cancer cells. Nivolumab is one such immunotherapy drug that was developed by scientists at the Sloan Kettering Institute of Cancer Studies which has been found to be very effective without producing too many side effects. This drug was recently approved by the FDA to be used by patients after clinical trials showed positive results.

Monoclonal antibodies, which are clones of specific antibodies, are being used in the treatment of kidney cancer.

AGS16F is a new drug used in the treatment of kidney cancer. This is a conjugate of an antibody and a drug, with high specificity for the tumor cells while normal cells are spared.

Chemotherapy is not very effective in kidney cancer as the cancerous cells produce multi-drug resistance protein, therefore, there is only partial improvement. Chemotherapy is used in combination with other treatment methods.

Scientists are developing vaccines using a patient's tumor cells to develop vaccines that are used as therapy to treat cancer. Russia has approved the use of such vaccines. Patients who undergo partial nephrectomy may not need dialysis if they have a fully functional kidney and only parts of the other kidney were removed during surgery. Dialysis is a serious risk factor for kidney cancer and the patient may require it if both the kidneys are affected.

Prognosis of Kidney Cancer

  • The prognosis of the patient depends upon the stage of cancer and the general health of the patient.

Death Rates of Kidney Cancer

  • Though the number of kidney cancer patients have been rising every year, the number of deaths due to the disease are declining.
  • Kidney cancer is treatable if detected early and initial warning signs should be brought to the notice of a doctor for effective treatment options.

Last Updated on Apr 19, 2023
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