
Must Know Top Ten Interesting Facts on Antioxidants

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are man-made or natural substances that may protect your cells against free radicals and prevent cell damage. Antioxidants are found in high amounts in vegetables and fruits. Antioxidant-rich foods may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidant supplements are concentrated forms of antioxidants, that can stabilize free radicals (1 Trusted Source

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Top Ten Interesting Facts on Antioxidants

Role of Antioxidants

  1. Your body can produce antioxidant enzymes on its own that works along with the antioxidants that come with the food you eat (2 Trusted Source
    Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention

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  2. Antioxidants�prevent cell destruction�caused by the action of free radicals.�Free radicals are unstable molecules�that take electrons from other molecules and damage them. This is the cause of many diseases (3 Trusted Source
    Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health

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  3. Do you wonder how antioxidants work to prevent diseases?�Antioxidants donate electrons to free radicals to stabilize them, which prevents free radicals from invading other cells and causing diseases (4 Trusted Source
    Understanding antioxidants

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  4. Antioxidants protect you against heart disease, cancer and other diseases (5 Trusted Source
    What are antioxidants?

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  5. Antioxidants play a vital role in�anti-aging�and keep you young (6 Trusted Source
    Effects of antioxidant supplementation on the aging process

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  6. Antioxidant defense system is the major reason why humans�live longer�than other living creatures.

Antioxidant Rich Foods and their Uses

  1. Vitamin E is the powerful antioxidant�commonly found in nuts, fortified cereals and sweet potatoes and it helps decrease the development of age-related macular degeneration and cataract (7 Trusted Source
    Vitamin E

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  2. Drinking�2 glasses of tomato juice�a day fulfils your�lycopene�requirement. Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant is also present in watermelons, pink-grapefruits, apricots and pink-guavas(8 Trusted Source
    Lycopene fortification on the quality characteristics of beverage formulations developed from pink flesh guava (Psidium guajava L.)

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  3. Spices are highly rich in antioxidant� content among all the food categories.
  4. High beta-carotene�intake may raise the�risk of lung cancer�in smokers;�an increase in vitamin E�intake may raise the�risk of prostate cancer and a type of stroke (9 Trusted Source
    β-Carotene Supplementation and Lung Cancer Incidence in the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study: The Role of Tar and Nicotine

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Last Updated on Jul 17, 2023
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a-pine, Slovenia - Oct 12, 2013

It is not known if any of known antioxidants [vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, selenium..] has any beneficial health effect. Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E and selenium, but it is not known if this helps to prevent any disease or not.

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