What is Vitamin Deficiency / Avitaminosis?
Vitamin deficiency is a deficiency which is caused by lack of one or more essential vitamins in our body. Some diets are making you prone to vitamin deficiency which is called as primary deficiency. Some medical conditions also can affect your absorption of vitamins which is called as secondary deficiency (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Vitamin deficiency
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Insufficient intake of food, lack of ability to absorb vitamins, and less nutrient diet are the main causes of vitamin deficiency (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Main nutritional deficiencies
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The signs of vitamin deficiency are hair loss, burning sensation in the feet or tongue, wounds are slow to heal, bone pain, irregular heartbeat, and night vision get worse (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
6 Signs of Nutrient Deficiency
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