Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 - First Schedule

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Name of book

1 Arogya Kalpadruma
2 Arka Prakasha
3 Arya Bhishak
4 Ashtanga Hridaya
5 Ashtanga Samgraha
6 Ayurveda Kalpadruma
7 Ayurveda Prakasha
8 Ayurveda Samgraha
9 Bhaishajya Ratnavali
10 Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara
11 Bhava Prakasha
12 Brihat Nighantu Ratnakara
13 Charaka Samhita
14 Chakra Datta
15 Gada Nigraha
16 Kupi Pakva Rasayana
17 Nighantu Ratnakara
18 Rasa Chandanshu
19 Rasa Raja Sundara
20 Rasaratna Samuchaya
21 Rasatantra Sara Siddha Prayoga Samgraha
22 Rasa Tarangini
23 Rasa Yoga Sagra
24 Rasa Yoga Ratnakara
25 Rasa Yoga Samgraha
26 Rasendra Sara Samgraha
27 Rasa Pradipika
29 Sarvaroga Chikitsa Ratnam
30 Sarvayoga Chikitsa Ratnam
31 Siddha Bhaishajya Manimala
32 Sharangadhara Samhita
33 Siddha Yoga Samgraha
34 Sushruta Samhita
35 Vaidya Chintamani
36 Vaidyaka Shabda Sindu
37 Vaidyaka Chikitsa Sara
38 Vaidya Jiwan
39 Basava Rajeeyam
40 Yoga Ratnakara
41 Yoga Tarangini
42 Yoga Chintamani
48 Abhinavachintamani
50 Yogaratnasangraha
54-A (Note: Ins. by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) Aurvedic Formulary of India (Part-I)
54-B Aurveda Sara Sangraha.]

55 Siddha Vaidya Thirattu
56 Therayar Maha Karisal
57 Brahma Muni Karukkadi (300)
58 Hogar (700)
59 Pulippani (500)
60 Agasthiya Paripuranam (400)
61 Therayar Yamagam
62 Agasthiya Chenduram (300)
63 Agasthiyar (1500)
65 Agasthiyar Pin (80)
66 Agasthiyar Rathna Churukkam
67 Therayar Karisal (300)
68 Veeramamuni Nasa Kandam
69 Agasthiyar (600)
70 Agasthiyar Kanma Soothiram
71 18 Siddhar’s Chillarai Kovai
72 Yogi Vatha Kaviyam
73 Therayar Tharu
74 Agasthiyar Vaidya Kaviyam (1500)
75 Bala Vagadam
76 Chimittu Rathna (Rathna) Churukkam
77 Nagamuni (200)
78 Agasthiyar Chillarai Kovai
79 Chiktsa Rathna Deepam
80 Agasthiyar Nayana Vidhi
81 Yugi Karisal (151)
82 Therayar Thaila Varkam
83 Agasthiya Vallathi (600)
84 (Note: Added by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) Siddha Formulary of Unani Medicine (Part-I)

(Note: Subs. by Act 68 of 1982, sec.41, for the heading "B-UNANI (TIBB) SYSTEM" (w.e.f. 1-2-1983)

1 Karabadin Qadri
2 Karabadin Kabir
3 Karabadin Azam
4 Iiaj-ul-amraz
5 Al Karabadin
6 Biaz Kabir Vol.II
7 Karabadin Jadid
13 (Note: Added by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) National Formulary of Unani Medicine (Part-I)

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rut17, United Arab Emirates

What are the regulations for compounding hormones for BHRT therapies in India. Is this legal? what regulations do compounding pharmacies in India follow?

bubai_123, India

can a man selling homeopathy medicine as retailer without valid license? If so, what is punishment for that offence


Hi, I would like to know what is the punishment of illegally running a stem cell banking in India. there are companies running stem cell banking without license, also using and promoting technologies to customer which has no approval.

san15, India

Please confirm whether the drug is in JP and not in IP , is it mandatory to claim JP?

mtcgases, India

there are people who are using a single liquid oxygen tank for both medical and industrial oxygen, and theboth grades liquid oxygen is being transported in the same transport tank, both the grades of oxygen are filled from the same filling manifold, even the liquid oxygen is being imported from bhutan and sold in india, Is it legal as per indian Drug Act.

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