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of book |
1 | Arogya
Kalpadruma |
2 | Arka
Prakasha |
3 | Arya
Bhishak |
4 | Ashtanga
Hridaya |
5 | Ashtanga
Samgraha |
6 | Ayurveda
Kalpadruma |
7 | Ayurveda
Prakasha |
8 | Ayurveda
Samgraha |
9 | Bhaishajya
Ratnavali |
10 | Bharat
Bhaishajya Ratnakara |
11 | Bhava
Prakasha |
12 | Brihat
Nighantu Ratnakara |
13 | Charaka
Samhita |
14 | Chakra
Datta |
15 | Gada
Nigraha |
16 | Kupi
Pakva Rasayana |
17 | Nighantu
Ratnakara |
18 | Rasa
Chandanshu |
19 | Rasa
Raja Sundara |
20 | Rasaratna
Samuchaya |
21 | Rasatantra
Sara Siddha Prayoga Samgraha |
22 | Rasa
Tarangini |
23 | Rasa
Yoga Sagra |
24 | Rasa
Yoga Ratnakara |
25 | Rasa
Yoga Samgraha |
26 | Rasendra
Sara Samgraha |
27 | Rasa
Pradipika |
28 | |
29 | Sarvaroga
Chikitsa Ratnam |
30 | Sarvayoga
Chikitsa Ratnam |
31 | Siddha
Bhaishajya Manimala |
32 | Sharangadhara
Samhita |
33 | Siddha
Yoga Samgraha |
34 | Sushruta
Samhita |
35 | Vaidya
Chintamani |
36 | Vaidyaka
Shabda Sindu |
37 | Vaidyaka
Chikitsa Sara |
38 | Vaidya
Jiwan |
39 | Basava
Rajeeyam |
40 | Yoga
Ratnakara |
41 | Yoga
Tarangini |
42 | Yoga
Chintamani |
43 | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | |
48 | Abhinavachintamani |
49 | |
50 | Yogaratnasangraha |
51 | |
52 | |
53 | |
54 | |
54-A | (Note:
Ins. by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) Aurvedic Formulary of
India (Part-I) |
54-B | Aurveda
Sara Sangraha.] |
55 | Siddha
Vaidya Thirattu |
56 | Therayar
Maha Karisal |
57 | Brahma
Muni Karukkadi (300) |
58 | Hogar
(700) |
59 | Pulippani
(500) |
60 | Agasthiya
Paripuranam (400) |
61 | Therayar
Yamagam |
62 | Agasthiya
Chenduram (300) |
63 | Agasthiyar
(1500) |
64 | |
65 | Agasthiyar
Pin (80) |
66 | Agasthiyar
Rathna Churukkam |
67 | Therayar
Karisal (300) |
68 | Veeramamuni
Nasa Kandam |
69 | Agasthiyar
(600) |
70 | Agasthiyar
Kanma Soothiram |
71 | 18
Siddhar’s Chillarai Kovai |
72 | Yogi
Vatha Kaviyam |
73 | Therayar
Tharu |
74 | Agasthiyar
Vaidya Kaviyam (1500) |
75 | Bala
Vagadam |
76 | Chimittu
Rathna (Rathna) Churukkam |
77 | Nagamuni
(200) |
78 | Agasthiyar
Chillarai Kovai |
79 | Chiktsa
Rathna Deepam |
80 | Agasthiyar
Nayana Vidhi |
81 | Yugi
Karisal (151) |
82 | Therayar
Thaila Varkam |
83 | Agasthiya
Vallathi (600) |
84 | (Note:
Added by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) Siddha Formulary of
Unani Medicine (Part-I) |
Subs. by Act 68 of 1982, sec.41, for the heading "B-UNANI (TIBB)
SYSTEM" (w.e.f. 1-2-1983) |
1 | Karabadin
Qadri |
2 | Karabadin
Kabir |
3 | Karabadin
Azam |
4 | Iiaj-ul-amraz |
5 | Al
Karabadin |
6 | Biaz
Kabir Vol.II |
7 | Karabadin
Jadid |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 | |
13 | (Note:
Added by GSR 735(E), dated 28th August, 1987) National Formulary of
Unani Medicine (Part-I) |
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Hi, I would like to know what is the punishment of illegally running a stem cell banking in India. there are companies running stem cell banking without license, also using and promoting technologies to customer which has no approval.
Please confirm whether the drug is in JP and not in IP , is it mandatory to claim JP?
there are people who are using a single liquid oxygen tank for both medical and industrial oxygen, and theboth grades liquid oxygen is being transported in the same transport tank, both the grades of oxygen are filled from the same filling manifold, even the liquid oxygen is being imported from bhutan and sold in india, Is it legal as per indian Drug Act.