Protection of action taken in good faith -
No suit or legal proceedings shall lie against any registered medical practitioner for any damage caused or likely to be caused by anything, which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
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What if two unmarried adults have sex and get pregnant, can abortion be done in that case?
MTP act should be implemented more strongly with PC and PNDT Act.It has been observed the authorities seems to be failing to control female foeticide inspite of having good infrastructure and team.I suggest an option to this if some body make it understand to authorities that they are blindly targeting the USG centres though saying they are having conficidential information against those USG centre and visit them filing FIR,Sealing of machine etc fulfilling there targets and harashing,insulting ,defaming some of the docters . I agree some of those might be real culprit and should be behind the bar too.Our law says hundred of criminals may be saved but one inocent should not be might feel it absured think it deep what i am going to write now Paper working Under PC and PNDT act should remain same report to authorities monthly mentening the sex of foetus to the authorities so that the authorities have fixed targets and see who is doing female foetacide, as doing female foetacide is a long time taking procedure and most of unqualified persons are involved in doing this what to talk of ANM,Staff nurses,unregistered medical quacks and chemists etc.Secondly the money making of some of the Ultrasonologist by diagnosing sex of foetus will be Zero.
it for the government,that he should declared that termination is a unforgettable affiance.