Chapter IV - The Central Executive Committee
Nomination of State Government representatives by rotation: The Central Government shall nominate four members - three from the States and one from the Union Territories under clause (h) of Sub-section (2) of section 9 of the Act, by rotation, in such a manner so as to cover all the four regions of the country, every year.
Daily and Travelling Allowances: (1) Non-official members of the Central Executive Committee, resident in Delhi, shall be paid an allowance of rupees seventy five per day for each day of the actual meetings of the Central Coordination Committee.
Non-official members of the Central Executive Committee, not resident in Delhi, shall be paid daily and travelling allowances for each day of the actual meetings at the highest rates admissible to a Grade I Officer of the Central Government.
Official members of the Central Executive Committee shall be paid daily and travelling allowances, at the rates admissible under the relevant rules of the respective government under whom he is serving on production of a certificate by him that he has not drawn any such allowance for the same journey and halts from any other government source.
Notice of Meetings: (1) The meetings of the Central Executive Committee shall ordinarily be held in New Delhi on such dates as may be fixed by the Chairperson:
Provided that it shall meet at least once in every three months.
(2) The Chairperson shall, upon the written request of not less than ten members of the Central Executive Committee, call a special meeting of the Committee.
(3) Fifteen clear days' notice of an ordinary meeting and five clear days'notice of a special meeting specifying the time and the place at which such meeting is to be held and the business to be transacted thereat, shall be given by the Member-Secretary to the members.
(4) Notice of a meeting may be given to the members by delivering the same by messenger or sending it by registered post to his last known place of residence or business or in such other manner as the Chairperson, may, in the cirucumstances of the case, thinks fit.
(5) No member shall be entitled to bring forward for the consideration of the meeting any matter of which he has not given ten clear days' notice to the Member-Secretary, unless the Chairperson, in his discretion, permits him to do so.
1. The Central Executive Committee may adjourn its meetings from day to day or to any particular day.
Quorum: (1) One-third of the total members shall form the quorum for any meeting.
(2) If at any time fixed for any meeting or during the course of any meeting less than one-third of the total members are present, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting to such hours on the following or on some other future date as he may fix.
(3) No quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
(4) No matter which had not been on the agenda of the ordinary or the special meeting, as the case may be, shall be discussed at adjourned meeting.
(5) (a) Where a meeting of the Central Executive Committee is adjourned under sub-rule (2) above for want of quorum to the following day, notice of such adjourned meeting shall be given to the members available at the place where the meeting which is adjourned is held, by messenger and it shall not be necessary to give notice of the adjourned meeting to other members.
(b) Where a meeting of the Central Executive Committee is adjourned under sub-rule (2) above for want of quorum not to the following date with sufficient gap, notice of such adjourned meeting shall be given to all the members as provided in sub-rule (4) of rule 22.
Minutes: (1) Record shall be kept of the names of members who attend the meeting and of the proceedings at the meeting in a book to be maintained for that purpose by the Member-Secretary.
(2) The minutes of the previous meeting shall be read at the beginning of the every succeeding meeting, and shall be confirmed and signed by the presiding officer at such meeting.
(3) The proceedings shall be open to inspection by any member at the office of the Member-Secretary during office hours.
Maintaining order at meeting: The presiding officer shall maintain order at the meeting.
(1) At any meeting business shall be transacted in the order in which it is entered in the agenda.
(2) Either at the beginning of the meeting or after the conclusion of the debate on a motion during the meeting, the presiding officer or a member may suggest a change in the order of business as entered in the agenda and if the Chairperson agrees, such a change shall take place.
Decision by majority: All questions considered at a meeting of the committee shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the event of equality of votes, the Chairperson, or in the absence of Chairperson, the member presiding at the meeting, as the case may be, shall have a second or casting vote.
No proceeding to be invalid due to vacancy or any defect: No proceeding of the Central Executive Committee shall be invalid by reasons of existence of any vacancy in or any defect in the constitution of the Committee.
Manner and Purpose of Association of Persons with Central Executive Committee:- (1) The Central Executive Committee may invite any person to participate in the deliberations of its meetings, whose assistance or advice, is considered useful in Performing any of its function, under the Act.
(2) If the person associated with the Central Executive Committee under Sub-rule (1) happens to be a non-official resident in Delhi, he shall be entitled to get an allowance of rupees seventy five per day for each day of actual meeting of the Committee in which he is so associated.
(3) If such a person is not resident in Delhi, he shall be paid daily and travelling allowances for each day of the actual meeting at the highest rates admissible to a Grade I Officer of the Central Government.
(4) If such person is a government servant, or an employee in a Government undertaking, he shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances at the rates admissible under the relevant rules applicable to him on production of a certificate by him that he has not drawn any such allowance for the same journey and halts from any other Government source.
Fee for the associated person: Nothwithstanding anything in rule 31, the Central Executive Committee may pay the person associated with the committee, with the prior approval of the Central Government, such fees as the Central Government may determine depending on the nature of work assigned and the qualifications and experience of the associated person.
Tours by associated person: The associated person may, with the prior approval of the Chairperson, undertakes tours within the country for the performance of the duties entrusted to him by the Central Executive Committee and in respect of such tours he shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances at the rates admissible to a Grade I Officer of the Central Government.
Associated Person not to disclose any information: The associated person shall not disclose any information either given by the Central Executive Committee or obtained during the performance of the duties assigned to him either from the Central Executive Committee or otherwise, to any person other than the Central Executive Committee without the written permission of the chairperson of the Committee.
Duties and functions of the associated person: The associated person shall discharge such duties and perform such functions as are assigned to him, by the Central Executive Committee.
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Sir, I am a personal assistant in pvt. company. Due to long sitting on computer, I feel nausea and headache along with some visionary illusion in eyes. Am I suffering from low vision. how can I check. kindly let me know Manish
My Son Akshit Bangar Age 16 Years he is Patient of Cerebalpolcy so he is not above to write from hand and his legs not working properly i want how to apply for benefits for m child and what is the benefits for my child
Sir, As disabled person is already aggrived by his injury, why to force him to go door to door and suffer, is there any way that he would get service at his place or by email, because i had sent one email on Chief Commisioner's mail id, but whether any action will be taken, i am hopeful
pl send me address of Chief commissioner or let me know where can I file a case on behalf of a person with disabilities
Wants to know the facilities available for self employment of my handicapped child like getting loan from bank for xerox centre , facilitity by allotment of a space in govt. premises.