6. Facilities for inspection.- Every Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory and Genetic Clinic shall afford reasonable facilities for inspection of the place, equipment and records to the Appropriate Authority or to any other person authorized by the Appropriate Authority in this behalf.
7. Procedure for search and seizure.-
(1) The Appropriate Authority or any officer authorized in this behalf may enter and search at all reasonable times any Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic, in the presence of two or more independent and respectable persons for the purposes of Section 30.
(2) A list of any document, record, register, book, pamphlet, advertisement or any other material object found in the Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic and seized shall be prepared in duplicate at the place of effecting the seizure. Both copies of such list shall be signed on every page by the Appropriate Authority or the officer authorized in this behalf and by the witnesses to the seizure:
Provided that the list may be prepared, in the presence of the witnesses, at a place other than the place of seizure if, for reasons to be recorded in writing, it is not practicable to make the list at the place of effecting the seizure.
(3) One copy of the list referred to in sub-rule (2) shall be handed over, under acknowledgement, to the person from whose custody the document, record, register, book, pamphlet, advertisement or any other material object have been seized:
Provided that a copy of the list of such document, record, register, book, pamphlet, advertisement or other material object seized may be delivered under acknowledgement, or sent by registered post to the owner or manager of the Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic, if no person acknowledging custody of the document, record, register, book, pamphlet, advertisement or other material object seized is available at the place of effecting the seizure.
(4) If any material object seized is perishable in nature, the Appropriate Authority, or the officer authorized in this behalf shall make arrangements promptly for sealing, identification and preservation of the material object and also convey it to a facility for analysis or test, if analysis or test be required:
Provided that the refrigerator or other equipment used by the Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic for preserving such perishable material object may be sealed until such time as arrangements can be made for safe removal of such perishable material object and in such eventuality, mention of keeping the material object seized, on the premises of the Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic shall be made in the list of seizure.
(5) In the case of non-completion of search and seizure operation, the Appropriate Authority or the officer authorized in this behalf may make arrangement, by way of mounting a guard or sealing of the premises of the Genetic Counselling Centre, Genetic Laboratory or Genetic Clinic, for safe keeping, listing and removal of documents, records, book or any other material object to be seized, and to prevent any tampering with such documents, records, books or any other material object.
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What is the provision under PC PNDT ACT for Doctors who is exclusively doing Echocardiography only: 1. Whether they also required PNDT Registration for Echocardiography. 2. And what about six months ultrasound training program for such Doctors [while six months training program is focusing on abdominal and pelvic region only]. In this condition how this training program is going to be beneficial for them. And is it making any sense that Doctors who is practicing cardiology and doing Echocardiography getting training of pelvic and abdominal region, while these areas are not of their concerns at all.
Can diagnostic center be started by person other than doctors, i hv completed bsc nursing n post graduation in hospital administration am i eligible to start a diagnostic center or a nursing home plz rep
Please send a list of Govt. / MCA / UGC recognized centres that atre approved for training of sonologisets / doctors to conduct USG under the PNDTA act.
In pndt act , rule 13 about change of equipment in advance of 30 days from such change should be intimated to DAA. Wether this intimation of 30 days is from purhase of machine or installation of machine ?
Kindly tell me.
please show how to fill the form