Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2018 - Registration of Surrogacy Clinics
Chapter IV
Registration of Surrogacy Clinics
10. (1) No person shall establish any surrogacy clinic for undertaking surrogacy or to render surrogacy procedures in any form unless such clinic is duly registered under this Act.
(2) Every application for registration under sub-section (1) shall be made to the appropriate authority in such form, manner and shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
(3) Every surrogacy clinic which is conducting surrogacy or surrogacy procedures, partly or exclusively, referred to in clause (ii) of section 4 shall, within a period of sixty days from the date of appointment of appropriate authority, apply for registration: Provided that such clinic shall cease to conduct any such counselling or procedures on the expiry of six months from the date of commencement of this Act, unless such clinic has applied for registration and is so registered separately or till such application is disposed of, whichever is earlier.
(4) No surrogacy clinic shall be registered under this Act, unless the appropriate authority is satisfied that such clinic is in a position to provide such facilities and maintain such equipment and standards including specialised manpower, physical infrastructure and diagnostic facilities as may be prescribed.
11. (1) The appropriate authority shall after holding an enquiry and after satisfying itself that the applicant has complied with all the requirements of this Act, rules and regulations made thereunder, grant a certificate of registration to the surrogacy clinic, within a period of ninety days from the date of application received by it, in such form, on payment of such fees and in such manner, as may be prescribed.
(2) Where, after the enquiry and after giving an opportunity of being heard to the applicant, the appropriate authority is satisfied that the applicant has not complied with the requirements of this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder, it shall, for reasons to be recorded in writing, reject the application for registration.
(3) Every certificate of registration shall be valid for a period of three years and shall be renewed in such manner and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
(4) The certificate of registration shall be displayed by the surrogacy clinic at a conspicuous place.
12. (1) The appropriate authority may, suo motu, or on receipt of a complaint, issue a notice to the surrogacy clinic to show cause as to why its registration should not be suspended or cancelled for the reasons mentioned in the notice.
(2) If after giving a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the surrogacy clinic, the appropriate authority is satisfied that there has been a breach of the provision of the Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder, it may, without prejudice to any criminal action that it may take against such clinic, suspend its registration for such period as it may think fit or cancel its registration, as the case may be.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2), if the appropriate authority is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so in the public interest, it may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, suspend the registration of any surrogacy clinic without issuing any notice under sub-section (1).
13. The surrogacy clinic may, within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of the communication relating to order of rejection of application, suspension or cancellation of registration passed by the appropriate authority under section 12, prefer an appeal against such order to-
(a) the State Government, where the appeal is against the order of the appropriate authority of a State;
(b) to the Central Government, where the appeal is against the order of the appropriate authority of a Union territory, in such manner as may be prescribed.
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