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[(See rule 4(1) (d)]
I, Dr. .......................................................................... possessing qualification of ..........................……………………………………… registered as medical practitioner at Serial No. ...................................... by the .............................................., Medical council, certify that :-
(i) Mr. …………………………………………………………………….. S/o ………………………………………………….. aged ………………. resident of …………………………………………………….. and Mrs. ……………………………… D/o, W/o …….………………………………………………………… ………………….. ............................................. resident .............................. ................. are related to each other as spouse a according to the statement given by them and their statement has been confirmed by means of following evidence before effecting the organ removal from body of the said Shri / Smt / Km......................................……….……………… ………………… ……………………
(Applicable only in the cases where considered necessary).
(ii) The Clinical condition of Shri/Smt............................................. ................. mentioned above is such that recording of his/her statement is not practicable
Signature of Regd. medical practitioner
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