

Latest Comments on Indian Health Acts

Total Comments : 245  Page 25 of 25
long delay defeats the purpose too technical
nihal chaudhry - India8/8/2008
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Our food quality is one of the lowest. This is the main reason for the spread of many food borne diseases. It is high time that we pay due attention to the quality of food sold through restuarants and shops in our country
C.K. George - India7/30/2008
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standard format for packing label to be pasted on box/conbtainer
vishal awari - India7/28/2008
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i m a student of hospital managent so its really important for me to know everything regarding this and i have also seen that nowdays hospitals r getting really srious regarding this.
prava - India7/22/2008
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Sir i want to know about the rules made for orthopaedically handicapped persons. I want to know about the rules which are necessary for a person to be orthopaedically handicapped.Sir ,I have applied for Punjab PMET-08 &I am 4feet10 inches in heigt. Am I orthopaedically handicapped & eligible for aapllying under the category reserve for orthopaedically handicap?Please response me as soon as possible.
Sukhjit Kaur - India5/25/2008
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