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Insecticides Rules, 1971
(GSR 1650, DT. 9-10-1971)
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 36 of the Insecticides Act, 1968 (46 of 1968), the Central Government, after consultation with the Central Insecticides Board, hereby makes the following rules, namely :-
1. Short title and commencement
1. These rules may be called the Insecticides Rules, 1971/
2. They shall come into force on the 30th day of October, 1971.
2. Definition - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires :-
a. "Act" means the Insecticides Act, 1968 (46 of 1968);
b. [***]
c. "expiry date" means the date that is mentioned on the container, label or wrapper against the column `date of expiry’;]
d. "form" means a form set out in the First Schedule;
e. "laboratory" means the Central Insecticides Laboratory;]|
f. "schedule" means a schedule annexed to these rules;
g. [***]
h. "pests" means any insects, rodents, fungi, weeds and other forms of plant or animal life not useful to human beings;]
i. "primary package’ means the immediate package containing the insecticides;
j. "principal" means the importer or manufacturer of insecticides, as the case may be;
k. "registration" includes provisional registration;
l. "rural area" means an area which falls outside the limits of any Municipal Corporation or Municipal Committee or a Notified Area Committee or a Notified Area Committee or a Cantonment;
m. "Schedule" means a Schedule annexed to these ruled;
n. " secondary package" means a package which is neither a primary package nor a transportation package;
o. "section" means a section of the Act;
p. "testing facility" means an operational unit where the experimental studies are being carried out or have been carried out in relation to submission of data on product quality or on safety or on efficacy, or an residues or on stability in storage of the insecticides for which the application for registration is made.
q. "transportation package" means the outermost package used for transportation of insecticides.)
r. `Commercial Pest Control Operation’ means any application or dispersion of Insecticide(s) including fumigants in household or public or private premises or land and includes pest control operations in the field including aerial applications for commercial purposes but excludes private use;
s. 'Pest Control Operators' means any person who undertakes pest control operations and includes the person or the firm or the company or the organization under whose control such a person(s) is operating.
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