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16. Prohibition of sale or distribution unless packed and labelled
No person shall stock or exhibit for sale or distribute [or cause to be transported] any insecticide unless it is packed and labelled in accordance with the provisions of these rules.
17. Packaging of insecticides
1. Every package containing the insecticides shall be of a type approved by the Registration Committee.
2. Before putting any insecticide into the primary package, every batch thereof shall be analysed as per the relevant specifications of the manufacture thereof, in accordance with the approved methods of analysis and the result of such an analysis shall be recorded in the register maintained for the purpose. If any insecticide is put in the package it shall be presumed that it is fit and ready for sale, distribution or use for which it is intended, not with standing the fact that any further steps are still required to be taken to make it marketable.
18. Leaflet to be contained in a package
1. [The packing of every insecticides shall include a leaflet containing the following details, namely
a. the plant disease, insects and noxious animals or weeds for which the insecticide is to be applied, the adequate direction concerning the manner in which the insecticide is to be used at the time of application;
b. particulars regarding chemicals harmful to human beings, animals and wild life, warning and cautionary statements including the symptoms of poisoning suitable and adequate safety measures and emergency first-aid treatment where necessary;
c. cautions regarding storage and application of insecticides with suitable warnings relating to inflammable, explosive or other substance harmful to the skin;
d. instructions concerning the decontamination or safe disposal of used containers;
e. a statement showing the antidote for the poison shall be included in the leaflet and the label;
f. if the insecticide is irritating to the skin, nose, throat or eyes, a statement shall be included to that effect.
g. Common name of the insecticide as adopted by the International Standards Organisation and where such a name has not yet been adopted such other name as may be approved by the Registration Committee.]
2. Two copies of the leaflets duly approved by the Registration Committee and signed by the Secretary, Registration Committee, shall be returned to the manufacturer and one copy to the State-licensing officer.
19. Manner of labelling
1. The following particulars shall be either printed or written in indelible ink on the label of the innermost container of any insecticide and on the outer most covering in which the container is packed:
i. Name of the manufacturer (if the manufacturer is not the person in whose name the insecticide is registered under the Act, the relationship between the person in whose name the insecticide has been registered and the person who manufactures, packs or distributes or sells shall be stated)
ii. Name of insecticide (brand name or trade mark under which the insecticide is sold).
iii. Registration number of the insecticide.
iv. Kind and name of active and other ingredients and percentage of each. (Common name accepted by the International Standards Organisation or the Indian Standards Institutions of each of the ingredients shall be given and if no common name exists, the correct chemical name which conforms most closely with the generally accepted rules of chemical nomenclature shall be given).
v. Net content of volume. (The net contents shall be exclusive of wrapper or other material. The correct statement of the net content to terms of weight, measure, number of units of activity, as the case may be, shall be given. The weight and volume shall be expressed in the metric system).
vi. Batch number.
vii. Expiry date, i.e. up to the date the insecticide shall retain its efficiency and safety.
viii. Antidote statement.
2. The label shall be so affixed to the containers that it cannot be ordinarily removed.
3. The label shall contain in a prominent place and occupying not less than one-sixteenth of the total area of the face of the label, a square, set at an angle of 450 (diamond shape). The dimension of the said square shall depend on the size of the package on which the label is to be affixed. The said square shall be divided into two equal triangles, the upper portion shall contain the symbol and signal word specified in sub-rule (4) and the lower portion shall contain the colour specified in sub-rule (5).
4. The upper portion of the square, referred to in sub-rule (3) shall contain the following symbols and warning statements—
i. Insecticides belonging to Category I (Extremely toxic) shall contain the symbol of a skull and cross-bones and the word "POISON" printed in red;
The following warning statements shall also appear on the label at appropriate place, outside the triangle,
ii. insecticides in Category II (highly toxic) will contain the word "POISON" printed in red and the statement "KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN"; shall also appear on the label at appropriate place, outside the triangle,
iii. insecticides in Category III (moderately toxic) shall bear the word "DANGER" and the statement "KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN"; shall also appear on the label at suitable place outside the triangle;
iv. insecticides in Category IV (Slightly toxic) shall bear the word "CAUTION".
5. The lower portion of the square referred to in sub-rule (4) shall contain the colour specified in column (4) of the table below, depending on the classification of the insecticides specified in the corresponding entry in column (1) of the said table.
Classification of the Insecticides |
Medium lethal dose by the oral route acute toxicity LD 50 mg/kg.. body weight of test animals |
Medium lethal dose by the dermal route dermal toxicity LD 50 mg/kg. Body weight of test animals |
Colour of identification band on the label |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1. Extremely toxic |
1-50 |
1-200 |
Bright red |
2. Highly toxic |
51-500 |
201-2000 |
Bright yellow |
3. Moderately toxic |
501-5000 |
2001-20000 |
Bright blue |
4. Slightly toxic |
More than 5000 |
More than 20000 |
Bright green |
6. In addition to the precautions to be undertaken under sub-rules (3), (4) and (5) the label to be affixed in the package containing insecticides which are highly inflammable shall indicate that it is inflammable or that the insecticides should be kept away from the heat or open flame and the like.
7. The label and leaflets to be affixed or attached to the package containing insecticides shall be printed in Hindi, English and in one or two regional languages in use in the areas where the said packages are likely to be stocked, sold or distributed.
8. Labeling of insecticides must not bear any unwarranted claims for the safety of the producer or its ingredients. This includes statements such as, "SAFE", "NON-POISONOUS", "NON-INJURIOUS" or "HARMLESS" with or without such qualified phrase as "when used as directed".
20. Prohibition against altering inscriptions, etc. on containers, labels or wrappers of insecticides -
No person shall alter, obliterate or deface any inscription or mark made or recorded by the manufacturer on the container, label or wrapper of any insecticide:
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any alteration of any inscription or mark, made on the container, label or wrapper of any insecticide at the instance, direction or permission of the Registration Committee.
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standard format for packing label to be pasted on box/conbtainer