6. Manner of registration
1. a. An application for registration of an insecticide under the Act shall be made in Form I and the said Form including the verification portion, shall be signed in case of an individual by the individual himself or a person duly authorized by him; in case of Hindu Undivided Family, by the Karta or any person duly authorized by him;in case of partnership firm by the managing partner; in case of a company, by any person duly authorized in that behalf by the Board of Directors; and in any other case by the person in-charge or responsible for the conduct of the business. Any change in members of Hindu Undivided Family or partners or the Board of Directors or the person in charge, as the case may be, shall be forthwith intimated to the Secretary, Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee and the Licensing Officer.
b. The Registration Committee may, if necessary, direct inspection of the `testing facility’ for establishing the authenticity of the data.
2. An application form duly filled together with a bank draft, drawn in favor of the Accounts Officer, Directorate or Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, payable at Faridabad towards registration fee shall be sent to the Secretary, Registration Committee, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, NH-IV, Faridabad-121001, Haryana. The fee shall be payable as follows:-
i. rupees five thousand each in case of application for registration under Sections 9(3) and 9(3B) of the Insecticides Act, 1968;
ii. rupees two thousand five hundred in case of application for registration under Section 9(4) of the Insecticides Act, 1968.
3. The registration fee payable shall be paid by a demand draft drawn on the State Bank of India, Faridabad, in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad, Haryana.
4. The certificate of registration shall be in Form II or Form II-A, as the case may be and shall be subject to such conditions as specified therein.
6A. Issue of duplicate certificate of registration
A fee of rupees one hundred shall be paid in the form of demand draft drawn on the State bank of India, Faridabad in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad, Haryana for a duplicate copy of a Certificate of Registration if the original is defaced, damaged or lost.
6B. Addition, deletion or alteration on the Certificate of Registration including labels and leaflets
A Fee of rupees one hundred shall be paid in the form of demand draft drawn on the State Bank of India, Faridabad, in favour of the Accounts Officer, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage, Faridabad, Haryana on each occasion for each Certificate of Registration for addition, deletion, alternation on the Certificate of Registration including labels and leaflets.
7. Appeal
1. An appeal against any decision of the Registration Committee under section 9 shall be preferred in writing [in Form II-B, in duplicate] to the Central Government in the Department of Agriculture.
2. The appeal shall be in writing and shall set out concisely and under distinct heads the grounds on which the appeal is preferred.
3. Every appeal shall be accompanied by a demand draft of rupees one thousand towards fee and a copy of the decision appealed against.
4. The fee payable for preferring an appeal shall be paid by a demand draft drawn on the State Bank of India, New Delhi in favor of the Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, New Delhi.]
8. Manner of publication of refusal to register or cancellation of certificate of registration
A refusal to register an insecticide or a cancellation of the certificate of registration of an insecticide shall also be published in any two English and Hindi newspapers which have circulation in a substantial part of India and in any of the journals published by the Department of Agriculture of the Government of India.
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