Amrita Surendranath's Profile

B.Sc, M.Sc.

Amrita Surendranath

Amrita has a masters in Human Genetics from Sri Ramachandra medical College and is hooked onto everything even remotely associated with genes. She loves every aspect of writing, the research, planning and actually weaving all the thoughts together. If she's not writing, she's busy being an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

World Autism Day 2017: ‘Toward Autonomy and Self Determination’

World Autism Day 2017: ‘Toward Autonomy and Self Determination’

April 2nd is World Autism Day. The 2017 theme is ‘Toward Autonomy and Self Determination’.

Health Watch
Health Risks Associated With Night Time Light

Health Risks Associated With Night Time Light

Scientists have found that night time exposure to light can lead to genetic alterations which can be inherited by the offspring.

Health In Focus
When Lonely, Never Catch a Cold!

When Lonely, Never Catch a Cold!

Psychologists have determined that feelings of loneliness can make a bad cold feel worse, highlighting the need for quality relationships.

Health In Focus
New Drug Targets for Cancer Identified Using CRISPR

New Drug Targets for Cancer Identified Using CRISPR

CRISPR gene editing tool was used to identify synthetic-lethal genetic interactions which could be used to develop new drug targets for cancer therapy.

Health In Focus
Brain 'Rewires' Itself To Improve Hearing, Memory and Cognition in the Blind

Brain 'Rewires' Itself To Improve Hearing, Memory and Cognition in the Blind

Improved Imaging Techniques were used to study the changes that occur in the brains of individuals born blind.

Health In Focus