Amrita Surendranath's Profile

B.Sc, M.Sc.

Amrita Surendranath

Amrita has a masters in Human Genetics from Sri Ramachandra medical College and is hooked onto everything even remotely associated with genes. She loves every aspect of writing, the research, planning and actually weaving all the thoughts together. If she's not writing, she's busy being an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Kindergarten Children Suffering Food Insecurity Perform Poorly

Kindergarten Children Suffering Food Insecurity Perform Poorly

Children from homes facing food insecurity show poor maths and social skills during kindergarten.

Health In Focus
World Oral Health Day 2017- “Live Mouth Smart” : An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Praveen Vaid

World Oral Health Day 2017- “Live Mouth Smart” : An Exclusive Interview With Dr. Praveen Vaid

World Oral Health Day 2017 is celebrated to raise awareness about oral hygiene and care

Health Watch
Blood Thinners Do Not Lower Risk of Stroke Among Low Risk Patients

Blood Thinners Do Not Lower Risk of Stroke Among Low Risk Patients

Antithrombotics agents used as therapy among low risk stroke patients increase risk of death and bleeding.

Health In Focus
Brain Development in Newborns Improves With Gentle Touch

Brain Development in Newborns Improves With Gentle Touch

Gentle touch therapy during hospitalization of newborns especially among pre-term babies aid brain development in the future.

Health In Focus
Variations in Gene Contribute to Aging and Neurological Disease Risk

Variations in Gene Contribute to Aging and Neurological Disease Risk

Variations in the gene TMEM106B contribute to the differences in aging of the normal brain and the risk of neurological disease.

Health In Focus