Anjali Aryamvally's Profile

B.Tech (Genetic Engineering)

Anjali Aryamvally

Anjali is an undergraduate in Genetic Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is passionate about bringing changes in healthcare through a combination of genetics and social work. Anjali is an avid reader who enjoys writing. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Deferoxamine Increases Effectiveness of Chemotherapy for Leukemia Patients

Deferoxamine Increases Effectiveness of Chemotherapy for Leukemia Patients

Deferoxamine, used to treat iron overload, can be used to prevent leukemia cells from overtaking stem cell sites in the bone marrow.

Health In Focus
Arthritis and Psoriasis Medication can Increase Survival of Patients With Blood Cancers

Arthritis and Psoriasis Medication can Increase Survival of Patients With Blood Cancers

Etanercept, an existing tumor necrosis factor-alpha blocker allows transplanted stem cells to thrive in new host.

Health In Focus
CRISPR Technology Shows Promise in Treating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

CRISPR Technology Shows Promise in Treating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Adeno-associated virus used to carry CRISPR-Cas9 genes into motor neurons to delay onset of symptoms of Lou Gehrig's disease in mice.

Health In Focus
Take-away Meals, a Risk Factor for Heart Disease and Diabetes in Children

Take-away Meals, a Risk Factor for Heart Disease and Diabetes in Children

Regular consumption of take-away meals increases risk of heart disease and diabetes in children.

Health In Focus
Noninvasive Radiation Therapy to Treat Life-Threatening Heart Rhythm

Noninvasive Radiation Therapy to Treat Life-Threatening Heart Rhythm

Noninvasive radiation therapy which is often used to treat cancers can be used to treat patients with ventricular tachycardia.

Health In Focus