Anjali Aryamvally's Profile

B.Tech (Genetic Engineering)

Anjali Aryamvally

Anjali is an undergraduate in Genetic Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is passionate about bringing changes in healthcare through a combination of genetics and social work. Anjali is an avid reader who enjoys writing. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

New Therapeutic Approach May Stop Breast Cancer Metastasis And Recurrence

New Therapeutic Approach May Stop Breast Cancer Metastasis And Recurrence

FDA approved drugs can stop the spread of breast cancer and prevent cancer recurrence by targeting stem-like tumor cells that play key role in metastasis.

Health In Focus
Next-generation Serodiagnostic Testing Allows Earlier And Accurate Detection Of Lyme Disease

Next-generation Serodiagnostic Testing Allows Earlier And Accurate Detection Of Lyme Disease

A faster and more accurate diagnostic test for detecting Lyme disease earlier has been developed by a large collaboration of research teams.

Health In Focus
Brain Remapping Reversible In A 10-Year Old Recipient Of A Double Hand Transplant

Brain Remapping Reversible In A 10-Year Old Recipient Of A Double Hand Transplant

Massive cortical reorganization (brain remapping) observed for the first time in a child after amputation was reversible after a double hand transplant.

Health In Focus
T-cell Memory and Receptors Determine Severity of Mononucleosis (Kissing Disease)

T-cell Memory and Receptors Determine Severity of Mononucleosis (Kissing Disease)

The memory of your T-cells may play a major role in determining the severity and onset of mononucleosis or kissing disease caused by Epstein - Barr virus.

Health In Focus
Immunotherapy for Rare Pregnancy Cancer Leads to Remission in Patients

Immunotherapy for Rare Pregnancy Cancer Leads to Remission in Patients

Promising immunotherapy treatment for a rare pregnancy related cancer caused remission in nearly a three forth of the drug receiving patients.

Health In Focus