Dr. Krishanga's Profile


Dr. Krishanga

Dr. Krishanga has completed her bachelor's degree in dental surgery and is currently practising with a renowned corporate chain of dental clinics. She believes in creating awareness and improving access to healthcare by empowering communities, medical professionals, and patients with the right view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

How Irregular Periods Can Signal Cervical Cancer Risk?

How Irregular Periods Can Signal Cervical Cancer Risk?

Recognize irregular periods as potential indicator of cervical cancer. Early detection saves lives.

Health Watch
Ice Hack Weight Loss: Chilling Your Way to a Slimmer You

Ice Hack Weight Loss: Chilling Your Way to a Slimmer You

Can ice really help you lose weight? Get insights on the ice hack diet and its impact on weight loss in this comprehensive guide!

Two Kidneys, One Chance: India's First Dual Kidney Transplant

Two Kidneys, One Chance: India's First Dual Kidney Transplant

AIIMS achieves milestone with dual kidney transplant, maximizing organ usage.

Organ Donation News
Detox Debate: Flush Out the Toxins, Not Your Wallet

Detox Debate: Flush Out the Toxins, Not Your Wallet

Discover the reality behind detox fads, debunking myths & embracing natural wellness strategies.

Health Watch
Tips to Reduce Your Children's Screen Time: High Time to Unplug

Tips to Reduce Your Children's Screen Time: High Time to Unplug

Discover practical tips to reduce children's screen time, foster creativity, and promote family bonding.

Lifestyle and Wellness