Dr. Krishanga's Profile


Dr. Krishanga

Dr. Krishanga has completed her bachelor's degree in dental surgery and is currently practising with a renowned corporate chain of dental clinics. She believes in creating awareness and improving access to healthcare by empowering communities, medical professionals, and patients with the right view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Understanding the Failure of Rabies Vaccine in Srishti Shinde's Case

Understanding the Failure of Rabies Vaccine in Srishti Shinde's Case

Rabies vaccine failed for Srishti Shinde despite completing the course. Explore the reasons and prevention methods.

Drug News
Semaglutide Cuts Kidney Disease Risk by 24% in Type 2 Diabetes

Semaglutide Cuts Kidney Disease Risk by 24% in Type 2 Diabetes

Semaglutide in FLOW trial cuts kidney disease risk by 24% in type 2 diabetes patients. Ozempic's label expansion anticipated in 2024.

Health Watch
The Synergy of Sleep-Tracking and Sleep-Enhancing Apps

The Synergy of Sleep-Tracking and Sleep-Enhancing Apps

Discover top sleep-tracking and enhancing apps for optimal rest. Improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Health Watch
Texas Man Who Lived 70 Years in an Iron Lung Dies at 78

Texas Man Who Lived 70 Years in an Iron Lung Dies at 78

Paul Alexander's indomitable spirit conquers polio, confinement, and adversity.

Education News
World Sleep Day: Sleep Equity for Global Health

World Sleep Day: Sleep Equity for Global Health

Celebrate World Sleep Day by advocating for healthy sleep habits and addressing sleep disparities worldwide.

Health Watch