Dr. M. Janani Priya's Profile

Doctor of Pharmacy

Dr. M. Janani Priya

Janani Priya has completed Doctor of Pharmacy from MGR Medical University, Chennai. Her area of interest are clinical research, medical writing, pharmacotherapeutics. She is currently working on the drug section.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Drugs Banned in India

Drugs Banned in India

Several drugs are either banned or withdrawn after introduction in the market.

Drug Related Articles
Quiz on Drugs that Cause Kidney Damage

Quiz on Drugs that Cause Kidney Damage

Use this quiz to test your knowledge about the drugs that can cause damage to your kidney and this can be irreversible

Health Quiz
Quiz on Peritoneal Dialysis

Quiz on Peritoneal Dialysis

Use this quiz to test your knowledge about peritoneal dialysis procedure as an alternative to kidney transplantation, types, and its complications

Health Quiz
 A New Insight to Prioritize the Monkeypox Vaccine

A New Insight to Prioritize the Monkeypox Vaccine

Prioritizing a limited supply of vaccines to subpopulations with a higher transmission risk can minimize transmission.

Research News
 Tau Protein Helps Detect Neurodegenerative Diseases

Tau Protein Helps Detect Neurodegenerative Diseases

The brain protein amyloid beta accumulates for years prior to tau tangle formation, resulting in Alzheimer's disease.

Mental Health News