Dr. M. Janani Priya's Profile

Doctor of Pharmacy

Dr. M. Janani Priya

Janani Priya has completed Doctor of Pharmacy from MGR Medical University, Chennai. Her area of interest are clinical research, medical writing, pharmacotherapeutics. She is currently working on the drug section.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

 How Muscle Strength is Linked to Biological Age

How Muscle Strength is Linked to Biological Age

DNA methylation clock, an epigenetic clock, is a biomarker of aging that can be used to measure biological age

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Here's Why Autistic People Avoid Eye Contact

Here's Why Autistic People Avoid Eye Contact

Reduced or interrupted eye-contact is a biomarker for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

Research News
 New Strategy to Personalize Exercise Prescription

New Strategy to Personalize Exercise Prescription

Prescribed workouts based on critical power and maximum heart rate provide long-term benefits

Lifestyle and Wellness News
 Impact of Preschool Exposure to TV Violence on Mental Health

Impact of Preschool Exposure to TV Violence on Mental Health

Violent screen exposure during childhood can lead to psychological distress and academic risk

Mental Health News
 Novel Small RNA Interference Therapy to Reduce Lipoprotein(a)-Mediated Cardiovascular Risk

Novel Small RNA Interference Therapy to Reduce Lipoprotein(a)-Mediated Cardiovascular Risk

Olpasiran can significantly reduce lipoprotein(a) levels through small RNA interference.

Drug News