Dr. Meenakshy Varier's Profile

BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management

Dr. Meenakshy Varier

A doctor who is qualified in complementary medicine and keeps herself abreast with what is latest in the medical field through constant research. Meenakshy has worked as a content writer in the past and continues to contribute as a Freelancer. Her other interests include reading, writing, cooking view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Doctors Blame ‘Workload’ For Lack of Quality of Care

Doctors Blame ‘Workload’ For Lack of Quality of Care

Patients are at risk because their GP’s are struggling to provide safe and effective services.

Health Watch
Want to Know How Long You Might Live?

Want to Know How Long You Might Live?

A new widget that predicts the average life expectancy of an individual has been created.

Health Watch
Why Do the Destitute Have Poor Health?

Why Do the Destitute Have Poor Health?

The constant stress of being poor makes people ill as the body’s immune system goes into an overdrive.

Health Watch
Little Girl Born With Intestines Outside of Her Tummy, Mother Blames Pineapple

Little Girl Born With Intestines Outside of Her Tummy, Mother Blames Pineapple

Having a balanced and organic diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking during pregnancy is important for the healthy development of the baby.

Health Watch
Wearable Sweat-Sensing Skin Patch Paves a New Way for Health Monitoring

Wearable Sweat-Sensing Skin Patch Paves a New Way for Health Monitoring

A low-cost, soft and flexible microfluidic device that collects and analyzes sweat for health monitoring has been developed.

Health In Focus