Dr. Meenakshy Varier's Profile

BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management

Dr. Meenakshy Varier

A doctor who is qualified in complementary medicine and keeps herself abreast with what is latest in the medical field through constant research. Meenakshy has worked as a content writer in the past and continues to contribute as a Freelancer. Her other interests include reading, writing, cooking view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Cellular Starvation Kills Treatment Resistance Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells

Cellular Starvation Kills Treatment Resistance Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells

Blocking key nutrient, cystine, may help treat aggressive form of breast cancer.

Health Watch
Gene Response Differs With the Amount and Rate of Insulin Secretion

Gene Response Differs With the Amount and Rate of Insulin Secretion

Genes express themselves depending on the amount and rate of secretions of insulin.

Health Watch
Aging, Not Reversed by Young Blood Alone

Aging, Not Reversed by Young Blood Alone

Tissue health and repair dramatically decline in young mice when half of their blood is replaced with blood from old mice.

Health Watch
New Studies Provide More Insight into Effects Of Zika

New Studies Provide More Insight into Effects Of Zika

Three new studies report on the effects of the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil .

Health Watch
Treatment for Allergic Response by Targeting Mast Cells

Treatment for Allergic Response by Targeting Mast Cells

Exon skipping treatment eliminates trafficking of the immunoglobulin IgE receptor to the surface of mast cells, making the cells unresponsive to allergies.

Health Watch