Dr. Nithin Jayan's Profile


Dr. Nithin Jayan

Dr. Nithin Jayan has an MBBS degree and is currently pursuing an MD in Anaesthesia from Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi. He is an aspiring writer, singer and an active blogger. He reviews and edits articles and also contributes special and in-depth reports on a variety of health topics.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Best Foods That Aid Digestion - Slideshow

Best Foods That Aid Digestion - Slideshow

Herbs and spices in our kitchen are the best age old digestive aids and have stomach-soothing properties. They have long been recognized for their digestive stimulant action.

Slide Show
Heal those Heels: Naturally

Heal those Heels: Naturally

Lounging on the beach or when you are wearing sandals are times you want those ungainly and painful cracks and fissures on the heels of your feet to vanish. They need care and pampering.

Beauty Tips
Pimples and Acne - Beauty Tips

Pimples and Acne - Beauty Tips

Pimples are the bane of adolescence, due to hormonal disturbances? Foods, skincare, lifestyle all play an important role. There are some natural cures which have to be regularly followed for results.

Beauty Tips
Foods to Lower Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Foods to Lower Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Heart diseases are the most common and threatening disease today. It has takes millions of lives all over the world each year and the death count is not going down. Here are tips to a healthy heart.

Slide Show
Internet Addiction Disorder

Internet Addiction Disorder

Internet addiction disorder is of 3 types, excessive gaming, sexual preoccupations and email / text messaging.

Wellness Articles